
Forget About the Firewall: Employees are First Line of Defense Against Cyberattacks

Eric Levine, Lindabury’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Group‘s Co-Chair was recently interviewed by NJBIZ’s Brett Johnson regarding a business’s first line of defense against a cyberattack. Levine says the approach exploits features inherent to human nature. “It’s preying on people’s inquisitive side,” Levine said. “And you can’t buy a firewall for that.”

“Yes, there are hackers who are out there who are trying to break through firewalls through different approaches, including state-sponsors actors, and there are many technologies to protect against that,” Levine said. “But it’s the social engineering — (stuff like) phishing scams — that capitalizes on mistakes people make that are the easiest tools to utilize.”

To read the full article as published online click here.

Eric is one of three panelists selected by NJBIZ for the upcoming Cybersecurity panel discussion on May 18th at the Raritan Valley Country Club. For more information or to register for this event click here.