
Cybersecurity & Data Privacy


Executive Order to Bolster New Jersey’s Cyber Security

On June 1, 2017, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed Executive Order 225 directing NJ’s Chief Technology Officer to set in motion actions to deliver a more secure, efficient, and reliable information technology platform and services across the Executive Branch. Previously, each state department and agency oversaw its own information…


Cybersecurity: The legal response | NJBIZ

Lindabury’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Practice Group Co-Chair Eric Levine spoke at the NJBIZ Cybersecurity conference on May 17th at the Raritan Valley Country Club in Bridgewater, explaining how companies can get hurt by doing the right thing when it comes to cybersecurity. “To protect any small business, you need…


Forget About the Firewall: Employees are First Line of Defense Against Cyberattacks

Eric Levine, Lindabury’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Group‘s Co-Chair was recently interviewed by NJBIZ’s Brett Johnson regarding a business’s first line of defense against a cyberattack. Levine says the approach exploits features inherent to human nature. “It’s preying on people’s inquisitive side,” Levine said. “And you can’t buy a firewall…


N.J. Cyber-Experts: Another Attack Is Coming — Here’s The No. 1 Thing To Do (And Not To Do)

Lindabury’s Bob Anderson, shareholder and co-chair of the Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Group, was interviewed by NJBIZ‘s Tom Bergeron in response to the worldwide ransomware attack over the weekend. Bob said the attacks last weekend were not a surprise at all to the people in the industry. “It was just…


GOOGLE Docs Incident Provides a Real-Life Example of the Dangers of Phishing

May 3, 2017 was a bad day for Google as a major phishing attack spread like internet wildfire, targeting users of Google docs. However, as bad as it was for Google, it provided us with a real-life example of how the first line of defense to a cyber-attack is none…


Cybersecurity Insurance Considerations For Small And Medium-Sized Businesses

Cybersecurity experts have observed that hackers and cybercriminals are increasingly targeting small and medium-sized businesses and that these efforts account for 60% of all cyberattacks. One expert described these companies as the “soft underbelly” of cybersecurity. Companies of all sizes face potentially significant costs in responding to a data breach…


Cybersecurity and the Importance of Attorney-Client Privilege

Businesses have a major need to assess their own cybersecurity risks, and to openly exchange internal information within the company to effectively address and mitigate an actual breach situation. Yet a company’s internal assessments of its own weaknesses and the holes in its cybersecurity protections can, ironically, actually expose the…


Federal Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Laws

The United States does not currently have a single comprehensive federal law regulating data privacy and cybersecurity matters. Instead, there is a patchwork of laws which at times overlap, and in other cases may even potentially contradict one another. This patchwork, together with the growth in interstate and international data…


Customer Data, FTC Red Flags Rules and Your Business

Identity theft is an area of major concern for consumers and businesses alike. Roughly nine million individuals in the U.S. can expect to have their identity stolen each year. With just a few items of personal information (such as the name, social security number, and the date of birth of…


Responding to a Cybersecurity Breach – Establish Your Response Team                

It is a day that virtually every business owner fears, when you receive word from your IT department that your company’s computer system has been hacked.  A million thoughts rush through your head, but they all come back to one question: what do I do right now to protect my…