
Divorce & Family Law


Tips For Handling Your New Jersey Divorce

If you find yourself in a situation where you are contemplating divorce, there are several recommended steps you should take. The first of these is to consult an attorney who specifically practices in this area and devotes the majority of their practice toward divorce and family law matters. Contact the…


Divorce Mediation in New Jersey – Why You Should Choose Someone With Experience

Divorce mediation is a cost-effective and time saving process to utilize in what is an emotional and often contentious proceeding between parties. The mediation process can be utilized whether or not the parties are in the process of divorcing, contemplating divorce, or examining issues which remain or have arisen after…


Thinking About Getting Re-Married? You Might Want To Roll Over What’s In Your 401(k)

Nearly all 401(k) plans are governed by the Employment Retirement Act of 1979 (“ERISA”). ERISA regulates pension, health & welfare, and other employee benefits including 401(k) programs. Under ERISA, if owner of an ERISA-governed 401(k) plan dies, their surviving spouse is automatically entitled to 401(k) benefits at the time death,…


What To Do When You Are Served With A Complaint For Divorce in New Jersey

Regardless of whether you are the spouse who initiated divorce proceedings by filing a complaint with the Court or whether you are the spouse who has just received the divorce complaint, you may be dealing with a range of emotions and unclear as to what steps you should take next.…


Drafting Divorce Agreements to Address Life Insurance Obligations

Nicole Kobis recently authored an article for the New Jersey Law Journal in which she provides insight to an often overlooked and extremely important task that needs to be addressed; obtaining and/or maintaining life insurance policies for each divorced spouse along with ensuring documentation is in place to allow each party…


The Important Role Life Insurance Plays In Divorce Settlement Negotiations

When couples are ending their marriage or relationship there are many financial issues that need to be resolved including the division of property and respective ongoing support obligations. Two different categories of ongoing support one spouse may be responsible for are child support and spousal support, sometimes referred to as…


Celebrating the Holidays After a Divorce – How Separated Couples Choose to Share Time With Their Children Can Make a Big Difference

With the holidays approaching, people are busy making travel arrangements and shopping lists, digging out old recipes and getting their homes ready for what is arguably one of the most family oriented times of the year. However for couples with children who are ending their marriage or relationship these times…


Establishing, Revising And Enforcing Time-Sharing With Children

In all cases of divorce or separation where children are involved, the issue of time-sharing (previously referred to as “visitation”) is a significant issue to be addressed. Unless the parents have agreed to an equal shared custodial arrangement, an appropriate schedule of time-sharing is particularly important for all those involved:…


Moving With Your Children Out-Of-State After a Divorce

One of the most contentious issues faced by many divorced parents has always been whether the custodial parent has the right to relocate with the parties’ children out of state. In an increasingly mobile society this has become an issue for many parents. Often custodial parents decide that they cannot…


Protecting Your Credit; Before, During and After a Divorce

Unfortunately, at the time a divorce is finalized an individual can encounter new and unanticipated financial obligations.  Any debt that was incurred during the marriage and will not be paid off at the time of divorce needs to be addressed in the parties’ settlement agreement.  It is important that any…